Power up!
Here is your carefree package for optimum network quality

The quality of the electrical grid is crucial for stable production processes. With With KBR Power Quality, you increase operational reliability and strengthen the energy supply in your company. Request a free quote for network analysis now.

Power Quality: Your solution for a stable power supply

Power Quality

Power on! Quickly to a secure supply network

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Step 1:
Determine the power quality

Standard-compliant measurements (in accordance with DIN EN 50160, 61000-2-2, 61000-2-4, VDE 0839) provide information about the power quality in your company. They form the basis for all further measures.

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Step 2:
Identify sources of interference

Disruptions in the grid cause production downtimes and subsequent costs. An analysis of the measurement data reveals causes and hidden risks. Our trained KBR Power Quality Team (VDE) will advise you on optimization options.

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Step 3:
Optimize grid power

With a suitable package of measures, the KBR Power Quality Team will immediately make your grid fit again. Your investment is manageable, but the economic benefit is much greater.

Power advantages! An investment that pays off many times over

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Stable processes

Whether acute incidents or preventive risk minimization: KBR Power Quality ensures consistently high grid quality and operational reliability.

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Standardized safety

Unsere Leistungen werden nach international gültigen Normen und Vorschriften durchgeführt. Hierzu ist Folgendes wichtig:

Nach § 19 der deutschen Niederspannungsanschluss-Verordnung (NAV) müssen Anschlussnehmer ihre Geräte so betreiben, dass Störungen anderer Anschlussnehmer ausgeschlossen sind.

Nach § 24 darf der Netzbetreiber Anschlüsse ohne Vorwarnung unterbrechen, um störende Rückwirkungen auf Anlagen des Netzbetreibers oder anderer Anschlussnehmer zu verhindern.

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Uncomplicated implementation

Our certified power quality experts (VDE) get to the bottom of faults and restore your power supply – even during ongoing operation.

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Best KBR support

The KBR Power Quality Team supports you in all matters relating to your power quality. Benefit from our many years of expertise and use the comprehensive KBR Power Quality product portfolio.

Power, power, power: 3 power packages for a strong energy grid

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Power Recording

Analyze power

Das Power Recording hat die Zielsetzung einer Leistungsmessung samt Lastgang-Analyse, um den Ist-Zustand sowie mögliche Reserven zu zeigen. In addition, the cos phi is evaluated in order to be able to design a compensation system, for example. The evaluation is carried out using diagrams of voltage, current and power values. The report also contains a standard report in accordance with EN 50160 on the quality of the voltage.

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Power Quality Recording

Measuring power quality

Beim Power Quality Recording steht die Spannungsqualität im Abgleich mit der Norm EN 50160 im Fokus. All measured variables regulated by the standard are explicitly presented and evaluated. Grid events such as voltage dips and transients are also addressed. Interference records are available as RMS values and oscilloscope diagrams. The frequency range up to at least 5 kHz is measured. The evaluation is carried out in the form of individually annotated diagrams and a summary of all important points with an assessment of their relevance. Possible solutions are named and dimensioned.

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Power quality recording up to 170 kHz

Identifying sources of interference

In order to identify the causes of faults in systems and machines, the 2019 version of the EN 61000-2-2 standard is the first and only specification to date that defines limit values in the frequency range from 3 to 150 kHz. This frequency range typically includes the clock frequencies of regenerative converters, PV inverters and charging stations for electric vehicles. For power quality recording up to 170 kHz, we provide you with the necessary measuring equipment in the form of the PQ-Box 300. The evaluation is carried out in an extended scope for power quality recording.

Switch off sources of interference

Network quality is the key to stable and secure operation of production systems. Acute faults or potential risks must be rectified quickly in order to avoid outages and high follow-up costs.

Equipped with many years of experience and a first-class service and product portfolio, the KBR Power Quality team is at your side: from measurement and analysis to consulting and action planning through to the implementation of systems for grid optimization.

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Powerful! Products and services for the best network quality

kbr power quality portfolio mulitmess d9 pq

multimess D9-PQ

measuring device

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kbr power quality portfolio multimess f144 pq

multimess F144-PQ

measuring device

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kbr power quality portfolio multiwave active

multiwave active

Active filter

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kbr power quality portfolio multiwave passive

multiwave passive (HF)

Passive filter & high-frequency filter

Learn more

Produkt Kachel PQ Maintenance Dienst am Laptop

Power Quality Maintenance Service


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kbr power quality portfolio pq service

KBR Power Quality Service


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Free analysis offer for better network quality

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Neugierig geworden?

Gerne vereinbaren wir einen unverbindlichen Beratungstermin um das passende Power Quality Paket für Sie zu finden.


We would be happy to arrange a non-binding consultation to find the right power quality package for you.