Documen­tation visual energy

Comprehensive software documentation

Documentation for visual energy

Software Broschüre KBR

As part of our visual energy 5-star service, we provide you with comprehensive software documentation for the visual energy 5 energy data management. You can find the documentation directly in visual energy at the top right of the menu by clicking on the icon with the three dots.

System requirements & communication scheme

The current system requirements and the visual energy communication scheme (with all ports used) can be found here as PDF files. Our service team will be happy to answer any questions you may have about setting up visual energy. On request also at your premises.

Archive Documentation

The documentation for the previous versions can be found here as PDF files. If you require further information, please contact the KBR Customer Service.

visual energy dashboard examples

In the visual energy dashboard, you can display your energy data in individual graphics. The dashboard is called up within the application or made available online. Let our examples inspire you

Dashboard for energy managers
Comparison of several properties
Customer-oriented energy portal

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