Energy data management

Energy data management

Visualize your energy data

Energy data management visual energy brings transparency to your energy consumption, making it digital and therefore controllable. The comprehensive software is your tool for easily recording and evaluating all types of energy data. Manage this data with practical tools and also access mobile to access your data.

Transparency in the
Dealing with energy

Saving energy costs

Support for the
ISO 50001 standard requirement

ISO 50001 certificated Energy data management (EDM)

visual energy gives you full control over your operational energy management. Individual dashboards, standard-compliant evaluations or live analyses show you the full potential of your energy data. With just a few clicks, you can identify weak points and exploit potential savings for maximum energy efficiency.

Receive your individual budget offer for visual energy 5.

visual energy dashboard examples

Customize the display of your energy data according to your wishes.

The visual energy dashboard gives you the opportunity to visualize your energy data individually and clearly. Call up the dashboard directly in the application or conveniently online and be inspired by our wide range of examples.

A dashboard for energy managers
Comparison of several properties
Customer-oriented energy portal
  • TÜV-tested and ISO 50001-certified system
  • 100% plausible energy data
  • Live analyses in real time
  • Individual display and output options
  • Convenient integration into existing systems
  • Future-proof thanks to scalability and open standards
  • Integration of third-party measurement technology

Are you still unsure whether the software is suitable for you? Click through the real examples from practice and learn about the application areas of energy data management from energy audits to limit value monitoring.

Products & Solutions

Software visual energy Energiedatenmanagement System Laptop mit ve5

visual energy

5 Sterne Logo KBR

5-star service

Gruppenbild Verbessern visual energy Maintenance

visual energy

Gruppenbild der multimess Energiemessgeräte



All-rounder measuring device with TFT display


Gateway and repeater


Pulse doubler


System power supply 24 V

kbr mitarbeiter e1702538271372

Questions about our solutions or interested in a free KBR workshop?

Foerderungen nutzen
More efficiency, lower costs

Take advantage of subsidies for your energy efficiency. We will be happy to advise you.

Energiedatenmanagement für smartes Energiemanagement
Look to an energy-efficient future

The visual energy energy data management system brings transparency to your energy consumption and full control over your operational energy management.