Discover the diverse application possibilities of energy data management and experience how visual energy offers a comprehensive solution for your individual tasks and requirements. From energy audits to monitoring limit values – learn more about the application areas of energy data management using practical examples.
Our recommendation: Take a look at our references and gain valuable insights into successfully implemented projects that we have realized in collaboration with our customers.
Find out more about the possible applications of visual energy by clicking on the question marks in the respective examples and exploring the solutions.
With visual energy 5, the energy manager has a perfect toolbox with which he can fulfill all his requirements efficiently and effectively. It is possible to create or adapt all measuring points, evaluations and assessments at any time within a very short time and thus plausibly demonstrate potential savings.
KBR draws up a measurement concept in accordance with the auditor’s criteria and then installs the calibrated MID meters. By integrating this into visual energy 5, the required measurement and calibration law-compliant delimitation of own and third-party quantities is correctly implemented.
The currents in the racks are measured with a multisio D2-4CI. In addition, a multisio D2-4TI monitors the temperatures in the data center. A warning message is sent to the responsible employees at 80% of the fuse current rating. The racks and the room are visualized online via visual energy 5. A red diode then signals that the defined warning thresholds have been exceeded and the responsible employee is informed by e-mail.
Sound level meters with analog outputs are installed outside the company. The outputs are connected to a multisio D2-4AI. With the help of visual energy 5, the noise emissions are saved as evidence. If the maximum level is exceeded, a responsible employee is now informed immediately by e-mail.
Message from the machine and system control during operation. The signals are registered via a multisio D2-4DI. The evaluation and notification for maintenance is then carried out via visual energy.
KBR EnergyManagement GmbH
Am Kiefernschlag 7
91126 Schwabach
Modern energy management
More than ever before, the way energy is used is crucial to a company’s success.
At the same time, energy management is becoming increasingly important.
KBR’s products and solutions are fundamental here.
ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001