Gateway and repeater


Energy measuring devices, Energy data management
multisys D2 BSET

The KBR gateways and repeaters multisys have been specially developed for building complex energy management systems. With their compact design they enable, depending on the type, the connection of serial KBR eBus or module bus devices to a TCP / IP network.

Your advantage: in many cases, no additional cables need to be laid. Connecting module bus devices directly to the KBR-eBus or extending module bus and KBR-eBus segments is also possible with the corresponding gateways/repeater modules. This means that the typical communication requirements can be met with adapted and tested components – without the functional risk of additional purchased parts.

Technical data gateways
Technical data repeater
  • Compact design
  • In many cases it avoids having to lay additional cables
  • No functional risk of additional purchased parts
  • No additional power supply required 1
  • No parameterization necessary 2

1 With the exception of the multisys Gateway D3 ESDP.
2 Only the TCP/IP configuration needs to be adapted to local conditions


multisys D2-ESET / MSMT
Interface A: KBR-eBus serial RS485
Interface B: LAN (Ethernet port RJ-45)
Purpose: Connects the KBR eBus to the PC via an Ethernet connection
multisys D2-BSET
Interface A: Module bus serial RJ-12
Interface B: LAN (Ethernet port RJ-45)
Purpose: Connection of module bus segments to Ethernet TCP/IP
multisys D2-ESBS
Interface A: KBR-eBus serial RS485
Interface B: Modulbus seriell RS485 aModule bus serial RS485
Purpose: Gateway for extension and galvanic isolation of module bus segments via eBus. On the other side, the use of a multisys …-BSES is necessary.
multisys D2-BSES
Interface A: Modulbus seriell RS485 aModule bus serial RS485
Interface B: KBR-eBus serial RS485
Purpose: Connection of module bus devices to eBus


multisys D2-BSBS
Interface A: Modulbus seriell RS485 aModule bus serial RS485
Interface B: Modulbus seriell RS485 aModule bus serial RS485
Purpose: Expansion of the module bus to include additional participants
multisys D2-ESES
Interface A: KBR-eBus serial RS485
Interface B: KBR-eBus serial RS485
Purpose: Expansion of KBR-eBus by 31 participants or 1,200 m
Energiemanagement in der Praxis

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More information (brochures, user manuals, etc.) under download.