Energy optimization

Maximize savings with efficient energy optimization

In times of rising energy costs and stricter sustainability requirements, efficient energy management is becoming increasingly important. Companies that optimize their energy consumption have a clear advantage: they can reduce costs, lower their carbon footprint and improve operational processes at the same time. But how exactly does this work? What measures are necessary to reduce energy costs in the long term and avoid power peaks?

In our 90-minute webinar on energy optimization, you will gain practical knowledge on how you can optimize energy consumption in your company. We will shed light on both the technical and economic aspects of energy optimization. You will learn how to avoid power peaks through targeted control of your consumers, which technologies and systems you can use to homogenize your energy requirements and what savings potential atypical grid usage offers.


In this webinar you will receive a comprehensive overview of:

  • Effective load management: Learn how to manage your energy loads in a targeted manner and avoid expensive power peaks. Through intelligent planning and time shifting of consumption, you can reduce energy costs without impairing operational processes. We show you how to analyze load profiles and identify potential savings.
  • Technical solutions for energy optimization: Find out which hardware and software efficiently monitor and control your energy consumption. We explain which devices are best suited to optimization and how you can use feedback from consumers to avoid unnecessary switching operations.
  • Atypical grid usage & individual grid charges: Reduce your grid charges by benefiting from special tariffs. We will show you how you can implement load shifting in the peak load window and apply for an individual grid charge.


After the webinar, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how you can reduce your energy costs through intelligent energy optimization, avoid peak loads and benefit from individual grid charges.

Take the opportunity to make your company fit for the future – register and optimize your energy use sustainably.



Christian Wiedemann KBR

Christian Wiedemann

Head of product management & power quality

Simon Tempelmeier KBR

Simon Tempelmeier

Managing Director & product management


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