Reactive power: supply vs. generating plant

Standardised reactive power management in mixed systems

In the current energy landscape, mixed systems that combine energy generation and consumption are becoming increasingly important. These systems offer companies the opportunity to utilise their own energy efficiently and at the same time have flexible access to grid power. But how does efficient power factor correction actually work in such complex systems?

The topic is becoming increasingly important as more and more companies are operating their own generation systems, such as PV systems, and drawing energy from the grid at the same time. These mixed systems place special demands on management. It is no longer just a question of providing reactive power, but also of optimally balancing the energy procurement.

In our 1-hour webinar, the energy experts will give you an insight into the challenges and show you practical examples of compensation solutions. You will learn which factors need to be taken into account during planning and implementation and how to optimise your systems to achieve maximum efficiency.


In this webinar you will receive a comprehensive overview of:

  • Basics: what is reactive power and why is it so important for energy management? What concepts are there and what impact do they have on grid performance?
  • Challenges in mixed systems: How does reactive power compensation change as a result of in-house energy generation and consumption from the grid?
  • Practical knowledge: How can the reactive power of the reference plant be compensated without affecting the reactive power provision of the generation plant?


After this webinar, you will have a comprehensive understanding of reactive power management in mixed systems and know what measures you can take to optimise the power quality of your system.

Take the opportunity and register for the webinar – for better energy management of your mixing plants.



Christian Wiedemann KBR

Christian Wiedemann

Head of product management & power quality

Simon Tempelmeier KBR

Simon Tempelmeier

Managing Director & product management


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