Measuring device for the top-hat rail with 3-wire measurement

multimess D4

Measure, Energy measuring devices
multimax3d6 kombi persp schatten
multimess 1d4 messmodul

The multimess D4 measuring device for 3-wire measurement and black box measuring point is suitable for installation on the top-hat rail.

As an inexpensive measuring device in the outgoing area to consumers, it can record all typical alternating and three-phase current variables. A ready-made RJ12 cable is sufficient for the optional multimess F96-DS display. This eliminates the need for complex wiring of the voltage and, above all, current path from the converter to the door.

Up to 10 measuring modules can be queried and displayed on one display. The modules are also connected to one another via assembled RJ12 cables. The power supply for the measuring device’s own needs is taken from the measuring voltage. An additional control voltage is not necessary.

If the multimess D4 is connected to the multisio D6 instead of the display, this even forms a load profile memory (P+ -/ Q+ Q-) as well as the interface to the eBus. Five measurement modules can be connected to a central storage module here.

Technical data
  • Inexpensive multimeter for DIN rail mounting
  • No additional supply voltage necessary
  • No wiring of converter cables into the control cabinet door
  • Up to 10 measuring modules per display
  • System compatible when used on the multisio central module

Combination options:

Device type:
multimess D4-BS mit
multimess F96-DS1
multimess D4-BS
mit multisys D2-BSES
multimess D4-BS mit
multisio D6 and multisio F96-DS
LCD display 96 x 96
Standard Standard
Number of measuring modules
10 per display no limitation
From the 12th, 24th, 36th, …th measuring module, a power supply or gateway is required.
Up to 12 measuring modules can be operated per power supply or gateway.
5 each multisio D6
Standard Standard
eBus TCP
Standard2 Standard3
Instantaneous value display
Standard Standard
Instantaneous value display eBus
Standard Standard
Load profile memory display
Load profile memory eBus
Standard4 Standard
Endless counter reading display
Standard Standrad
Endless meter reading eBus
Standard4 Standard

1 To supply the display with energy, an additional power supply unit, e.g. multisys D4-PS-24V, is required

2 When using the multisys D2-BSET gateway instead of D2-BSES

3 Additionally gateway multisys D2-ESET required

4 In conjunction with visual energy 4, daily consumption is automatically generated.
15 min period values are substituted values (daily consumption/96)

Tablet mit Screenshot


More information (brochures, user manuals, etc.) under download.